Soooo Much to Do …


So much to do … so little time … 

Is it really so little time to do it, or is it so much to do but not knowing where to start?!?

Keep reading … let's get into it. ...

Brain Dump 

You have all these things you need to do but you're not sure where to start. 

All the ideas in your head … What are you doing with them?!? Start first by doing a brain dump. 

What’s a brain dump? It is literally dumping everything that comes to mind and everything that you're thinking about … into a massive list. 

We keep all these ideas in our head that we are trying to focus on … these small, medium, big, and even random things … The reason your brain keeps triggering it for you is because it wants you to do something with these thoughts. 

What’s the purpose of a brain dump? The purpose of the brain dump is to get those things out of your head so you could stop thinking about them.

We keep repeating these things trying to make sure we don’t forget them. But, by trying to make sure that we don’t forget something it is hard to actually keep focused on the task you actually need to focus on. 

Take the time to get it out of your brain and on to a list of some sort so that you can go back to actually focusing on what it wants and needs to focus on.

How to do a brain dump? I prefer doing my brain dumps on paper, but you can also just open up a word document and just start typing, or even use your voice notes and get to talking. There’s no reason, no order, no structure to a brain dump … set a timer and just get to writing, typing, or talking. When everything is out of your head and onto this list, then you have something to start with. 

A couple weeks ago I did a blog where I talked about Asana and how I use it to keep myself organized. Asana works with my brain dumps as well … While I start with my brain dumps on paper, when it gets to the planning and prioritizing stages, that’s where Asana comes in handy for sure. But, we will get into the planning and prioritizing next …  

But for now, just get it out on paper.

Don't worry about trying to organize it. 

Don't worry about trying to actually do the things once you start thinking about them. 

Literally, just set aside 15-20 minutes and just sit and think … Let your mind be free to think about all the things that you need to do, all the things you want to do, all the things have been meaning to do, and most importantly all the things that you have to do! 

This is the time to gather all those random sticky notes that you have written down … all those random lists that are everywhere … or if you do have some sort of order to your to do lists, gather those. 

Now is the time to have all the things you want to accomplish put in one place … Just let it flow. 

It shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes; however, if when your timer goes off, your brain is still pouring out ideas, DON’T STOP! However long it takes you get them all out, for your brain to stop pouring out ideas, let it flow!

When you start doing this practice regularly, it will likely only take you 5-10 minutes to get your list made. Also, as things start to come to you throughout the day and throughout the week, keep writing them down … hint hint, Asana!


Now that you've made this list of things that you need to do, want to do, and have to do … The question becomes what do you do with this list?!?

Well, you plan of course. Often when we brain dump, or make a to do list, we list the end result, but there are often various steps that need to be taken in order to get to this end result. 

Start by looking at the list … In the planning stage, you’re working on breaking down that end result into the steps that’ll need to be taken to get there. 

Planning is where you stop playing small … Planning is about the actionable steps … Planning is about getting yourself in position and taking the steps needed to accomplish it.

For example, if you have meal prep on your list but you don’t know what you’re cooking or have the food needed to cook it, planning is where you write down those steps so you can plan the meal and get the groceries. 

Seems like a small thing, but if you don’t plan for this, then how can you actually be ready for it? You can’t. 

Or, if starting a business is on your list but you don’t know how to do it, researching how to start a business and taking note of the steps needed to start a business would be important.


Wait … don’t freak out from the list! 

Now that you’ve done the brain dump, and planned the steps that go into the list, you probably see that it’s not realistic that all these things will happen this week … That’s perfect!

Really … It is! We often overwhelm ourselves with things that we want, need, and have to do because we aren’t thinking of the smaller pieces that go into actually getting the task done.

Now that you have this list … You can take into account what you have to do this week and your ability and capacity to actually get things from this list done. That’s where prioritizing comes into play ...

When I say prioritize I mean look at the list and sort it into what needs to get done, what you want to get done, and what must get done. When doing this sorting, you should also be looking at your calendar and noting the obligations that are already on your calendar, updating your calendar, so that in deciding what will actually make the the list for the week, you're taking these obligations into play so that you aren’t creating overwhelm for yourself.

In making and prioritizing these three categories within the list, this can be a good time to color code or have some sort of system to divide the must (high priority), from the need (medium priority), and from want (low priority) items - Whether that is color coding them or ranking them. 

Must items: those that'll have negative consequences on you or your life - like not doing your taxes by the tax deadline - if they aren’t done. 

Need items: those which will soon become must items but they aren’t currently high priority 

Want items: those think that may become a need at some point or are things that would be nice to do at some point when there is extra time. 

Decide what will be on the list for this week and everything else can roll over to next week’s brain dump session or can go on a “future” to do list.


You’ve got your list made and prioritized by what must get done, what needs to get done, and what you want to get done … well now it's time to take action and DO! 

Each and every day (whether the night before or first thing that morning) you should be looking at this list so that you can decide what from the to do list will be the next focus for the day based off of obligations for the day and the time constraints. 

I like making my list at night so that when I wake up in the morning, I’m waking up with intention and focus on what my priorities for the day will be. 

Why Do I Need a To Do List?!?

If making the brain dump itself list doesn't explain why you need a to do list … I’m not really sure what else to tell you.

You need a to do list because you have so much to do but you aren’t sure where to start … or because you feel that there isn’t enough time to do it all … REMEMBER?!?

I did a blog on goal setting a few months ago, this brain dump process can be very helpful in your goal setting practice as well. So, after brain dumping your list of things you must, need or wants, go back to the goal setting and use it in conjunction with this blog or setting some goals!

Really, in making a to do list, those “need” and “want” sections of the list are often goals that you have for yourself. So, take the time to look at the brain dump list and see if you can pinpoint some goals that you have.

What Next 

You struggle with not being able to go from planning to prioritizing to doing … You need accountability! You need someone who can hold you accountable.

You need someone who can help you look at your list of things that you want to do, that you said you need to do, or that you think you have to do and figure out if they’re really priority for you. You’re often too close to the source of the list … the things that you think you want, need, or have to do ... that you can't step back and see if it actually impacts the bigger goal, the bigger purpose, the bigger steps that you want to take in life.

Are you just doing these things because you feel obligated to do them?

You have to figure out your why and your purpose, to make sure the goal setting, planning, and prioritizing are actually in alignment with what needs to happen, when it needs to happen, and why it needs to happen.

If any of this sounds like you or something you need help with … reach out … I want to help you!

Changing your perspective around to do list, can change mindset around planning, which can change your life in doing!

If you have more questions on brain dumping, to do lists, or planning, comment below … Would be happy to go deeper into any area that needs more attention … 


The “Lee” behind Legal.Lee


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