Keep it Right, Keep it Tight.
You’re struggling to keep your mindset in check.
You’re struggling to stay consistent.
You’re struggling to not let doubt come in.
Keep it Right.
Keep it Tight.
Keep your mindset right.
& then keep your consistency tight.
You have to work on yourself!
Wait, you didn’t read that … You. Have. To. Work. On. Yourself.
Your future is dependent on it.
You can’t marry your future until you’ve divorced your past!
You’re struggling with limiting beliefs.
If you don’t let go of those limiting beliefs, it’s going to affect your mindset.
Then, by affecting your mindset, it will affect your consistency.
Wait, what are limiting beliefs?!?
A limiting belief is something that you believe to be true.
A limiting belief is a thought or opinion that you believe to be the absolute truth.
A limiting belief is some lie that you don’t even question it anymore.
The thing is, you don’t see a limiting belief as a lie, you think it’s true … because you’ve believed it for so long, you just accept it.
& if you accept a limiting belief, then it will become true about you … you will become that limiting belief.
Limiting beliefs will have a negative impact on your life.
They stop you from growing.
They stop you from moving forward.
They keep you stuck.
So, if you let go of the limiting beliefs, then they are no longer true.
How do you let go of a limiting belief? … It starts with your mindset
Mindset requires an action to set your mind.
You have to DO something if you want to change your mindset.
It’s not going to just happen on it’s own.
The way you speak to yourself matters.
The way you speak to yourself … the way you think of yourself … they make up your mindset and your mental health.
It will have an impact on you … Is it for the good? Is it for the bad? That’s for you to decide, based on your self-talk.
Positive self-talk is important. Setting a positive mindset and having positive self-talk requires action … you must set your mind.
It’s so easy for negative self-talk to take over, but you have to make the choice to strengthen your mind daily.
The problem with negative self-talk, is that it can easily creep in without you even noticing that it's happening.
It starts out with “I’m so bad at this” or “Urgh, I shouldn't have done that”.
But, these thoughts become internalized feelings and can cement your conceptions of yourself.
Become aware of them. Try to stop them from happening … because if not, they'll become internalized, they’ll become a part of who you are, and you’ll believe these thoughts about yourself.
OK, you can’t necessarily stop it from happening. But, you can catch yourself in the act. Replace the negative thoughts with positive ones.
“I’m so bad at this” becomes “I’ll get better with practice”.
“I shouldn’t have done that” becomes “That didn’t work like I planned, but I learned for next time”.
Think of a negative thought you have … not to dwell on it forever, but for purposes of this exercise … so that you can swap it into positive self-talk.
DO IT: Think of something you think/say often that negative … now flip it … make it positive.
You have to do the work to get your mindset right.
The Compound Effect.
Have you heard of the compound effect? It's a concept from Darren Hardy, there’s even a book he wrote about it.
Changes to habits will change your life.
The changes have to be consistent.
But, the changes don’t have to be big … they can be small changes.
Over time, these small changes, consistently, over time, will lead to great results.
This is the compound effect.
Every day, we make small decisions that can result in fundamental changes over time.
We don't notice the results right away. But, the results compound, to change the course of your future, over the course of your lifetime.
Think about it in terms of weight gain … you don’t “gain weight overnight” … it’s the changes in what you eat each day, the lack of exercise, etc., that over time leads you to clothes not fitting quite right. But, because it’s so small over time, you don’t really notice it unless you’re taking constant inventory of the food you eat or the way your clothes fit. One day you just go to put on your favorite outfit … and it just doesn’t fit the same - then you notice.
The compound effect shows that you don't have to make massive changes to reach your goals.
Using the same example of weight loss … you don’t “lose weight overnight” … it’s those same changes that you make each day in your food choices, moving your body, etc., that will lead to your clothes fitting a little looser.
There’s a saying that it will take you four weeks to notice the change … close friends and family eight weeks … and strangers twelve weeks.
It doesn’t even matter though … Make those small changes into consistent habits … like the habit you picked to turn over a new leaf … and your life will change!
You have to be consistent.
Consistency is harder when no one is clapping for you.
You must clap for yourself during those times.
You should always be your biggest fan.
How do you become consistent?
How do you stay consistent?
We talked about making small changes to your life that will over time change your life.
It’s often said that it takes 21 days to make a habit … personally, I'm more of it takes 30 day for it to really stick.
If you’ve done something every day, for a calendar month, it has become a part of your routine … making it so much easier for you to make/keep it a part of your routine.
Doing the same thing … Every day … Without fail … Makes it a habit.
Now, if you want to make it a lifestyle … do it for 90 days! Then it will be truly so ingrained in you, that it’s a part of who you are … even if you miss a day, the next day you’ll be back.
Habit building, or habit stacking, is taking these various small changes and grouping them together into a routine that you follow everyday.
Start by identifying a good habit that you have, then, build off it.
When you’re doing something good already … find a way to up a little.
There are multiple pieces and parts that go into building this consistency and you have to focus on all that goes into it.
During the journey, you might mess up … we’re humans … we aren’t perfect … you will mess up. That’s ok …
When you mess up on a habit … ask yourself ...
Did I still do some of the supporting habits?
Am I really being fair to myself?
If I did some of the other supporting habits, am I really failing at this?
Don't let those limiting beliefs creep in.
Don’t let that negative self-talk come in.
Don’t dismiss all the positives you do because of one negative.
Remember, everything you do, from the smallest of habits to the largest changes, are all a choice. None of it has to happen.
It’s your choice. You are choosing to add this into your life.
All the behaviors count, and you need to appreciate all the effort you put in every day!
You want to change your mindset.
You want to change your life to build great habits.
You want to change and become consistent.
But … You can’t find a good habit to build off of … Stop doubting yourself …
There has to be something good that you’re already doing …
Do you wake up early?
Do you do personal development?
Do you workout?
Do you drink your water?
Do you eat healthy?
Do you do affirmations?
Still can’t think of a good habit to build off of … ok, let’s talk, let’s divide deep and really think, you don’t have to go at this alone.
The Struggle … What Now?!?
You’re struggling.
You’re struggling to keep your mindset in check.
You’re struggling to stay consistent.
You’re struggling to not let doubt come in.
You’re struggling to let go of the limiting beliefs.
Not taking action is taking action.
So, take action!
Book a free coaching consult call, let’s talk.
It’s time to let go of the struggle and turn it into strength.
It’s time to let go of the limiting beliefs.
It’s time to change your mindset.
It’s time to get consistent.
Focus on your mindset.
Focus on making small changes.
Focus on your consistency.
Let me help you.
Let me clap for you.
Let’s do this … Change your mindset, change your perspective, change your life.
The “Lee” behind Legal.Lee