Where Have I Been?!?
Where have I been?
I mean … Where have you been?!?
Ok ok ok … Let’s just pretend for a moment that you've been checking every couple weeks for the next blog post, and you just haven’t seen it.
So yes, I’ve been missing a little bit (ok, a lot of bit), but … I’m backkkkkk!
I got busy … and some things had to give.
At at … Don’t come for me like, “the Productivity & Accountability Coach didn’t even follow what she teaches”. Because, the reality is, that’s exactly what I did!
I’m always telling you that you need to prioritize what’s important. We’ve talked about how what might be important in one season doesn’t have to be important in another season, so this was a prime example. But, don’t let that be the thought that this blog isn’t important, it is, but even when it comes to things that are important there are levels to the importance.
Between the combination of work, my business, as well as my personal life, creating a sense of balance and making sure that the most important things got done, I got busy and it caused me to get behind in my blog. Now, I was still trying to do it all because when I commit to something, I’m committed and I also like to be consistent as well. But, we know that you can’t do it all. And, you definitely can’t do it all well, IF by some miracle you are able to “do it all”.
I didn’t stop showing up in everything … I just stopped showing up everywhere
So where have I been?
What have I been doing?
That’s what this blog post is all about.
Let's Look Back
Now, I’m not even really sure where to start. I mean, I’ve still been lawyering, coaching, working out, and showing up on social media.
And, I’ve also been living, learning, and growing.
It’s involved personal development, self reflection, and getting some clarity on both where I am and where I want to be.
What does that even mean and what does that look like?
I feel a shift happening this last month or so … ok you might be like but it’s been over six month since you wrote a blog post … so what about the rest of the time? Well, I felt a shift happening then too.
But ok … let’s take a look back …
It’s been what, since the beginning of the year that I last blogged?!? Which is crazy to think about.
Well, the rest of February? I’m going to be honest, I can’t even really remember what happened then. I know that I was halfway through the other blog for the month of February but something about it was feeling forced and I couldn't get into my groove on it. Now, normally this just means I need to take a day away from it or so because I’m forcing the content. Well, I tried that, but that didn’t happen this time in terms of fixing it. So I thought I would just get a week off on the blog and then get back there … But it wasn’t giving what it was supposed to give. (And this wasn’t in a perfectionist type of way … I just felt all over the place but wasn’t really sure what about it wasn’t working)
Well, shortly after that, that’s when the shift started happening … I felt that I was forcing a lot of my content creation. I like writing, I like showing up on social media, but I started to get a little too tied to the results and I knew that I needed to take a step back. So that’s where it started.
You know that my motto is I’m inspired to impact, and a lot of impact is making a difference. When it comes to making a difference, most times the best way to make a difference is when it’s without people telling you that you’re impacting their lives, or them telling you so much later about something you did a long time ago that impacted them. Basically, making an impact and making a difference isn’t necessarily an immediate thing, it’s a part of playing the long game. So, I decided that I needed to take a step back and regroup, and get refocused if I was going to continue to be inspired to impact, to not be tied to the outcome, and to not be looking for validation in terms of comments, likes, shares, etc. (Especially because the algorithm is so fickle … Just like people sometimes.)
Well, while the step back started in February, I still continued posting on social media pretty regularly but then March started me taking this approach towards a simplification process and then deciding that I was going to work on myself some and turn inward … I made the public declaration in terms of my social media posts and stories that I was tired of trying to do everything but was trying to figure out the things that really need to be done. Well, figuring out what really needs to be done, or what’s working now when it comes to social media, is a trial and error process. And, if you know anything about me, it’s that I like being in control. Well, trial and error and the results that come as a result is something you can’t always be in control of, so it was creating a draining feeling, a sense of burnout, and just a feeling of overall discontentment for me. And I’m not about that life!
That meant there was work to do. So, I was going to pull back and do the internal work … And I did pull back and do just that. By now you should know that I’ve been into personal development and will continue to be into personal development. Well, this was a little different as I was a little more intentional of what I was focusing on. In order for me to pull back and do some of this internal work, I stopped posting regularly on my social media feed, which meant that blogging continued to take a back seat.
The month of April was a busy month with work, so I intentionally focused on continuing simplifying even more and to make sure that I wasn't overwhelming myself with a lot of other things. This meant that I was pulling back even more on some of the things that I was doing. I intentionally simplified it to where it was manageable to still show up. Honestly, I feel that the first half of April, while I was super busy with work and in a major trial, was the most productive time! I had opportunities popping up and opening up that I didn’t even know that I wanted, which was also part of the internal work and the shifts that were happening. I was presented with the opportunity to do a couple speaking events, and because of how much I had pared it down, I was able to say yes to it.
As we walked into the month of May, which also happens to be my birthday month, I was really feeling the growth and the changes. These were not just changes with, and within me as a person, as I was preparing to walk into a new year of life. It was not only about changing what I want and how I want to show up, but how I want to channel and use that in my business as well.
Then the summer months came, now those months were really a blur. I did a masterclass training or two, but other than that, I cannot honestly say much more than that about the summer months. Well, I did get to travel in July and August so I’m sure that contributed to coming back to blogging as well.
But, here we are now, in September. After my birthday passed, it was initially my intention to come back to blogging in August. But, I had not really planned for that. Like, it was a thought in my head, and maybe even on paper, but not enough in the form of me actually doing the work and thinking, writing, or typing up any blog ideas or even blog posts. Remember, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. And honestly, everything happens for a reason. Because, I am ready to be back blogging now.
Am I done learning and growing? Most definitely not! And actually, I am on a challenge until the end of the year, which I am documenting daily on Instagram and Facebook (so go follow me there to see it in action) about unlearning things that are not serving me and have not served me and in order to learn the things that will and do.
So what does that mean for me going forward? I’m not 100% sure yet. .. But I’m feeling more clarity on what it is that I’m meant to do, why I’m here to serve, and how I can help. While I don’t know 100% what that means for me going forward, I do know that it will definitely result in me continuing to grow and push myself to do new things and try new things, and to never stop growing. And I also have felt more of that initial pull and tug that was a part of the pull to shift and to grow that led me here. Well, I’m feeling it presently … Which I love because it means I’m still growing.
So, here’s to growing ...
Now that you know where I’ve been. Where have you been and what have you been up to? Book a call and let’s chat about it …
Be honest, did you miss me?
What are you looking forward to most about me coming back to blogging? What type of blog posts do you want to see?
~Coach Lee💜
Your Productivity & Accountability Coach