What you Say … How you Say it …

Last week we talked about mindset. I told you how a big part of mindset has to deal with the things you’re saying to yourself because your mind was listening and they’ll become the things that you think about yourself. 


What you say and how you say it is important … so this week, as promised last week, we’ll talk all about affirmations and incantations ...

Watcha Say … Affirmations

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are written or spoken positive statements that, when consistently practiced, rewire your thoughts and beliefs. As your thoughts and beliefs are re-wired, your emotions will also become re-wired. 

I tell you all the time that if you change your mindset you can change your life and IT’S TRUE!

If you replace a negative belief or thought that you have about yourself, with a more positive and more empowering one, you’ll direct your focus towards what you want.

The things you say to yourself are important … the way that you speak to yourself matters! 

Affirmations are statements that you speak about yourself, about your life, and about your future. Since affirmation statements are about your life, you should have various affirmation statements that cover the various focus areas of your life - family, job, health, relationships, etc. 

Speaking as if it's happened allows your mind to think that it's happened already, which then allows your mind to work to make it happen. This is why it’s so important when you're creating affirmations that you do in the present and future tense.

Most affirmations start with “I am” not “I will” or “I hope”. I am statements are about you claiming it, owning it, and possessing it. It belongs to you! 

By owning your own identity you’re in control and taking control of your life! The way you speak to yourself controls how you take ownership of your life because it goes to your mind and your mindset.

Now that you understand what an affirmation is … let’s learn how to actually write them ...

How to Write Affirmation Statements:

Writing good affirmation statements can be broken down into 4 easy steps:

  • It must be believable and within your control

When you’re writing your affirmation statements, it must be something that you believe is possible for you and something that is within your control. 

Now, this isn’t saying that you shouldn’t dream big with your affirmation statements, but you have to also keep them realistic because these affirmation statements are meant to grow and evolve with you as you reach and accomplish each of your statements. 

For example, don’t make an affirmation statement about how you’re going to fly a jet when you’ve never driven a car or even rode on a plane. Work your way up.

You can’t make an affirmation statement that is completely dependent on the actions of others either, because then that’s not within your control to make that happen.

  • It must be present tense, personal, and positive. 

As you’re writing your affirmations, it must be written and spoken in the present tense, as something that is happening now.

I mentioned earlier when I talked about the “I am” statements … Affirmation statements are personal to you

Most importantly, the affirmation statement must be positive. Don’t write a negative statement about yourself … 

HELLO, you become what you think and say about yourself … So why would you write negative statements about yourself?!? 

Answer: you don’t!

This is not the time to state negativity about yourself - because affirmation statements are meant to affirm … it’s stating it as a fact! Don’t write, speak, and then repeat negative statements about yourself as a fact … no ma’am, no sir!

  • It must be felt.

To feel it means to embody it - it’s about the warm feelings that come from living and having the life you dreamt of.

These affirmation statements should be giving you comfort, happiness, hope, and peace. With speaking these statements as if they are happening in the present, it’s giving you the feeling of what your life will be like once it has happened, the way that you will feel when these things have come to pass. 

  • It must be repeated regularly. 

Affirmations aren’t a one time write it, read it, and forget it type thing. It’s something that should be repeated regularly. The frequency with which you repeat them, is a personal thing, but it has to be at least daily. 

Personally, I say mine each morning on my way to work and then on the weekend, I do them when I do my morning walk. I find that it’s a great way to start the day and set the intentions for the day.

Others have found that they like saying them to end the day. Or, you could even divide up your affirmations into the various parts of your day based on the type of affirmations that are written. 

For example, you might say your work affirmations prior to work, your health affirmations when you start your day, and your family affirmations before getting home and going into family mode. 

There’s no right or wrong way as to when you should read and say your affirmations, that’s personal to each person … You do what works for you! 

Try out different ways and see which works best for you.

Let’s Write these Affirmations: 

Your affirmations  should cover each of the big areas in your life. For me, it’s my faith, my health, my finances, my family, my job, my business, and the way I show up.

You need to take some time to sit down to think about what areas of your life you’re struggling with, you want to see progress in, and the areas you want to strengthen and grow in. Start there … Those are the areas that you want to start with writing your affirmations in.

There's no limit to the number of affirmations you can or cannot have. You can even make affirmations that are specific to certain situations, that you read it certain times of the day, week, or even the month.

If you want to say certain affirmations at certain times of the day, put those smartphones to use … Set a reminder as the name of affirmation you want to say so when it pops up on your phone, it’s reminding you of what you are which should bring comfort.

The Wrap Up:

The whole point of an affirmation statement is changing your perspective, to change your mindset, to change your life. By claiming and taking ownership, by saying you are with “I am” statements, you're taking possession.

The best place to start with writing affirmation statements is by starting something you want to change about yourself … Start with the negative, start with the limiting belief, and then reframe them as if you are no longer those things but have overcome them.

For example, if you struggle with paying your bills or with debt - reframe it to “I am financially free”. If you feel like you'll never be healthy or never lose weight - reframe it to “I love my body” or “I am at my ideal weight”. 

How You Say it … Incantations

What are Incantations?

Incantations are a phrase that is said out loud and with an engaged physiology.

Incantations take affirmations a step further and make them physical. Putting affirmations into motion engages more of the brain and makes it more real.

Basically, incantations are affirmations that are spoken out loud.

So while affirmations are what you write or say, an incantation is how you say them. I mentioned that you should embody your affirmations, doing incantations is how you embody them, how you project them, how you manifest them, and how you feel them in a powerful way.

Incantations are so powerful because it’s literally the power you put behind it, the power you put into it, and the power with which you project them. The way you stand, the way you position your body, the way you use your hands, and the way you project your voice is all in the how of projecting the power behind incantations. 

After Writing … What Next

You’ve written your affirmation statements. 

You’ve started saying them out loud as incantations. 

So … what’s next?!?

Read them. You wrote the affirmations so you have to actually read these affirmations and incantations that you took the time to write.

Repeat them. These aren’t one time things … You have to repeat them at least once a day!

Revisit them. Go back over the affirmations and see which ones are working for you, which ones need to be reworked, and which ones you have mastered.

Revise them. As you continue to grow and evolve, your affirmations should grow and evolve with you. As you master them, take them off and replace them with new ones.

Welp … there you have it. If you really are ready to get to work on that mindset, remember it’s not just about what you say but also how you say it!

Affirmations and incantations can be used to change your mindset and as a result, it helps you to change your life.

If you’re ready to do this … but aren’t really sure where to start … or aren’t really sure you can go at it alone … then let’s book a call and see how we can work together!

Until next time … always remember to change your perspective, change your mindset, and change your life!


The “Lee” behind “Legal.Lee”


Gotta Get these Goals!


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