Let’s Prioritize Self
Last week we talked about taking responsibility … How you need to take responsibility for the things that are happening around you, within you, and to you. If you didn’t read that blog, go back and read it.
With the arrival of the new year, many people are setting goals, creating new year resolutions, and coming into the new year guns blazing and ready for this massive set of intentions and transformation.
Sorry, I guess that was a little rude of me. I shouldn’t be rude and just jump straight in … So let me backup and start first by saying Happy New Year!
Ok, now that that’s out of the way … And now that you’ve decided to take responsibility for your life and set these goals and intentions, it’s only right that we talk about prioritizing self in the midst of this.
Let’s get real.
No, you don’t need a new year for a new start but the reality is that a lot of people do need that new year, new month, or new week in order to do so and have this reset. Well, you have all three here …
So, how can you use the momentum of the new year to your advantage? If you’re looking to reset, to set these resolutions, these goals, and these intentions … They’re about you and what you want to see for yourself in life right? So, how about you start prioritizing self?
What about Taking Responsibility?
I referenced the last blog, about taking responsibility. Have you ever thought about the fact that you taking responsibility for your life is actually you prioritizing yourself?
By taking responsibility, you are taking control, which allows you to then control the narrative. If you’re controlling the narrative and the way that everything is happening and going down, then you are making yourself a priority. You are making what you want to happen in your life, actually happen. So yea, that’s why I said if you didn’t read it, you should go back and read it …
Generally speaking, because I don’t want to assume here, when you control the narrative and make what you want happen, the things that you want to happen are about you and where you want your life to go.
You set all these “new year, new me” type goals right? If it’s ok to set those and have those be about you … Why don’t you see the connection with taking responsibility and prioritizing yourself?
And don’t even start with that “that’s selfish” and “that’s narcissistic” talk … Because prioritizing self will have a benefit for others because you will be able to pour from your heart and your life into the heart and lives of others.
What is Prioritizing Self?
Prioritizing self is just that.
Prioritizing self is putting you first. It’s prioritizing yourself.
You know how you're so quick to do for other people and then make yourself last? And then, when it's time to do it for you, you say “oh you'll get to it later” and then later never comes?
Yeah … That's not prioritizing yourself! So, basically what I'm saying is, prioritizing self is doing for you first before you run, jump, and do for other people. It’s making sure that you've poured into you before you pour into other people. Before you give your time, your energy, and your resources to other people make sure you've given your time and and energy to you first.
So, are you ready to prioritize yourself? To put yourself first, the way that you put everybody else before you, your goals, and your wants in life?!?
I’m sensing a mix of some hesitation as well as the desire to go all in here … And that’s fine, because that’s what we’re talking about …
Why Should You Prioritize Self?
Why should you?!? … I really think the better question is why shouldn’t you!
We're in a new year as well as a new month, and I know you're probably already tired of hearing that it's a new year and to do things differently. But, have you actually done anything differently? Exactly.
That's exactly why I'm going to keep talking about it until you get it together and do something different. Take care of and prioritize yourself!
You always feel overwhelmed, stressed out, disorganized, and you feel that you never have time for yourself. Well, that’s because you're always doing for someone else. So, why are you so surprised?
You should prioritize yourself because that’s taking care of you! You have to do it for you because if you keep trying to pour from an empty cup (you know, by not prioritizing yourself) then it's going to come back to haunt you. Now, the way that this comes back to haunt whether that be mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, or even physically is unclear … Or could be all of them.
If you’re not taking care of yourself it's going to come back to haunt you! PERIOD! And, let’s be honest, it's going to be when you least expect it and when you don't need it to, so how about you take control of that situation and prioritize yourself, remember we are taking responsibility for our life now after all!
Oh, let me guess, for some reason you think that you're different because you’ve been neglecting yourself all this time, so you think that you can keep doing it. I mean, you can, but are you ready to reap the consequences of your action, or inaction?
Keep stressing yourself out, keep running around like a chicken with your head cut off, keep floating between not getting sleep to just sleeping all day, keep just neglecting the things that you’re interested in, that you want to do, but haven’t started yet.
I don't know why you think that you're different, you're not. While the amount of time it takes for it to catch up to you might be different than the amount of time it takes to catch up with somebody else, you're no different than anyone else … You can't pour from an empty cup.
So, you have to prioritize yourself if you're going to be able to be around, to do those things for any and everybody else who wants it. And let's not even begin to talk about the people that you're “so busy” prioritizing could care less about if you were stuck or needed help, they wouldn’t jump for you … So think about that.
Are you convinced yet?
How Can You Prioritize Self?
FINALLY! You understand now what prioritizing self looks like, you understand the importance of it, and you’re ready to do it. But wait, how can you do it?
Well, while we’re all in this new year mojo and setting all these goals, plans, timelines, and all that … Put YOU on the list!
How about you make it a goal to prioritize yourself!
What does that look like?
You know I’m not about the one size fits all approach … So it’s going to look different for each of us.
Think about what you want for yourself this year. Is that more self care? Is that taking up a hobby? Is it starting a business? Is it committing more intentional time to being present?
Let’s just put it this way, whatever prioritizing yourself is (since it can look different to each and every one of us) it's being intentional about choosing things that are for you! Prioritizing self is about choosing things that will make you happy and not choosing things every time that is for the betterment of someone else.
Make you happy. Make you better.
The funny thing is while you're so busy putting everybody else first, you’re still doubting or failing to realize that if you took the time to prioritize self, did things that make you happy, and did things that move you forward, in the end they ultimately benefit as well!
Make a Plan
What have you been planning for yourself lately?
Exactly … Nothing, that's the point of this.
So, I want you to take the time, literally take time, and plan how you are going to take care of yourself in this new year.
One more time for the people in the back … Because if you don't take care of yourself you're going to be no good to anybody else!
I get it, you’re tired of hearing this. But yet, you haven't done anything about it and you're still here reading. I take that to mean that you need someone and you want someone to tell you that it's OK to take care of yourself, to prioritize yourself.
Well, hello, I'm that person. So let me tell you again: It’s ok to prioritize self. It’s ok to put yourself first. It’s ok to take care of yourself. PERIOD!
Not only is it ok, it’s a MUST.
You know what else prioritizing yourself could look like? It could look like investing in yourself. Both your time and your money.
You’re looking for a way to just get unstuck, to take responsibility for your life, and then to use that to prioritize yourself … But you aren’t sure where to start? Then, let me help you out … Start here, by booking a call to just talk … To get some ideas of what that can look like in your life.
You have to start somewhere!
So let‘s put all that momentum that you’re feeling, that new energy, into taking responsibility for your life and prioritizing yourself!
~Coach Lee
Your Productivity & Accountability Coach