Let it Go … Just Stop the Excuses
Life is full of these “explanations” and “reasons” for why it has to be like this …
You are full of excuses for why it has to be like this.
But, can we finally eliminate the excuses?!? Because the excuses aren’t serving you; in fact, they are only serving as “explanations” or “reasons” why you can’t get things done.
I mean it’s really just an excuse … So can we stop with those already … please! And instead, do something else …
Let’s get into it … It’ll make more sense as we go along ... No excuses!
STOP This!
Like I said … you’re full of excuses. But, it’s time to stop with the excuses, so let’s explore some of the things that are keeping you stuck in this cycle of excuses. Once we see some of what you need to stop, then you can learn how you can replace it with more productive action items that will actually help you in life.
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Why ... Like why are you comparing yourself to others? I bet the people that you’re comparing yourself to, are those who are ahead of you … Those who have done what you want to do, those who have done what you dreamed of doing, and those who are where you want to be. STOP!
Looking to others for motivation and inspiration is one thing .. But looking at them for comparison is another. Comparing yourself to them is you doing nothing more than looking at what you “don’t have” instead of looking at what you do have!
Comparison is the thief of joy. So all that comparison is doing nothing more than just really giving you a feeling of hopelessness and defeat. Now, let’s quit the comparison game.
Instead, let’s focus on your strengths and create an attitude of gratitude. Being grateful for the opportunities that are available to you, for the things you’re good at, for the things that you have, and for the things that you want to do.
Stop Fearing the Unknown
I’ve talked about fear before … Fear is nothing more than false evidence appearing real. But yet, you still fear the unknown … It’s unknown, you don’t know what’s going to happen, so why are you choosing the most negative or drastic version of what could happen, instead of the best version of what could happen?!?
Because of this “fear of the unknown” and this false reality that you’ve created for yourself of what will happen in the future, you’re scared of taking a step, taking a risk, because it will disrupt your current reality.
What if instead, you made a change … Even the smallest change … Because the smallest change in your current reality will lead to significant changes in the future. Make the change, and make it a good one, because it can be in your best interest and completely change the future.
Let’s get used to stepping into the unknown. Get used to making a small change today that will be for the betterment of yourself … for your life … for your future.
Stop Blaming Others
Whew … the blame game is real! But, you’re grown … You’re an adult. It’s time to stop blaming others and take responsibility. Blaming others is really just destructive … Really, it’s self-destructive because you’re pawning it off on others, and it will ultimately be the basis for a lot of disappointment, frustration and unhappiness in life.
And just in case you don’t know what the blame game is … Or you’ve been doing it but didn’t really know that you were … Let me explain. The blame game is blaming someone else for something that’s happened to you that wasn’t what you wanted, wasn’t how you thought it would be, or wasn’t how you thought it should be. But you don’t just blame them for it; instead, you become convinced that it’s their fault so much so that you don’t even try to do anything to change the situation and make it turn out the way that you wanted it to be, thought it would be, or thought it should be.
Blaming others is irrational. Blaming others isn't healthy. So, just stop already … Be the grown adult that you are and take responsibility. Take the time to pause and recognize when you’re starting to shift the blame to others, and then bring the responsibility back to yourself.
Do THIS Instead!
Ok, now that you have an idea of some things to stop that are just keeping you in the excuse cycle, let’s find some things that you can replace them with. When you eliminate something that isn’t serving you, you can then replace it with something that can serve you.
Take Responsibility For ALL Your Actions
If you stop blaming others, then taking personal responsibility is the next step. Taking personal responsibility is a part of adulting … It’s taking ownership of your own actions and their consequences.
Taking responsibility for all your actions, not just the good ones and the ones that turn out how you wanted them to turn out, is the exact opposite of putting the blame on others … Which is the point!
By taking responsibility for your actions, you are taking ownership of them, which means that they are yours. I mean … they are your actions after all. Don’t you want to have control over your actions as well as the ability to make decisions for your life and set your priorities?!?
Don’t expect respect if you can’t even own up to your own actions. How can you expect someone to look up to you and respect you … If you don’t respect yourself enough to take responsibility for your own actions?!? Yea, I went there.
So get it through your head … You are in control of your response to life’s circumstances. So take responsibility, change your mindset, and then watch your life change!
Take Action Every Day
Do something! You have to make the decision to do something … Every. Single. Day! You have to decide each day to take action.
If you aren’t doing something each day … Then, you’re staying still … You’re stagnate! If you’re stangate, then by default you aren't moving forward … You’re stalled.
Don’t give me an excuse, we’re stopping with those. I didn’t say it would be easy to take action each day, but I also never said that the action that you’re taking each day has to be monumental.
Part of taking action is taking risks, I talked earlier about stop fearing the unknown. You have these big plans in your head or on paper, but then you never actually follow through with them. Stop making excuses and take the action needed to achieve the goals you want in life, to create success for yourself, and to live the life that you not only dream about but that you deserve to live!
Take the first step … Take action each day, that’s how you eliminate your excuses. Starting … that first step … will be one of the hardest steps because you’ve been living in the land of excuses and just sitting still with no action, so starting and taking the first step will be hard, but it’ll get better after that.
Set Small, Attainable Goals
With taking the first step, go ahead and break down that goal into smaller pieces. After all, you’re going to take action each day, so having that goal broken down into the various steps and pieces that it will take in order to achieve it will be helpful so that each day you can choose an action step that needs to be taken.
Every time you’re able to accomplish one of those small steps on the way to the larger goal will give you a win, it will motivate and encourage you, and it will make the process of taking the next steps easier because you’re able to see how far you’ve come.
Excuses Stop Here
If you’re willing to put in some work and stop doing the things I talked about and in turn start doing the other things that I talked about, you’ll be amazed at the results.
I’m not even going to pressure you into trying all of them at once. Instead, what I want you to focus on is the excuse that you find most prevalent in your life. Which of the things that we talked about today resonated most with you?!? Start there … Choose one thing to stop and one thing to start!
Use that as your first action step in eliminating excuses. Then, when you’ve got that one down .. come back and add another.
I want to know … Which resonated most with you? If you’re willing to do the work … You can eliminate excuses.
Oh … If you’re really ready to do the work, which I hope by now you are, then let’s get started! Let’s talk, I want to know what it is that is keeping you stuck. I want to help you, support you, encourage you … There’s literally no excuse for not booking a call after this, I mean it’s free.
So what’s your next excuse?!? Oh, none … Good - so book your call.
Let’s do this … let’s eliminate those excuses!
-Coach Lee
Your Productivity & Accountability Coach