Fall in Love with Your To Do List

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It’s on you to take responsibility for your life!

It’s on you to prioritize yourself!


It’s on you to stop letting your life run you, and instead for you to take over your life so that you can get after your goals!


Prioritizing yourself is making sure that the things that you want to happen in your life actually happen, by putting them on the to do list!


So, are you ready to prioritize yourself? To put yourself first, the way that you put everybody else before you, your goals, and your wants in life?!?


I want you to take responsibility for your life and prioritize yourself … By falling in love with your to do list!  

I’m sensing some hesitation here … A “yes, but” response … And that’s fine, because that’s what we’re talking about today …

Fall in Love with It!

There are a lot of ways that you can fall in love … Ways that you can take responsibility and prioritize yourself. This applies to many different areas of your life, and I’ll probably do a blog post on this later in the year, but what I want to focus on your to do list today.

A lot of those other areas and issues in your life flow from your to do list. The overwhelm the headache, the struggles you’re having in life and the lack of structure comes from not having or properly using your to do list! 

I want you to have your own to do list … As a matter of fact, I don’t want you to just have a to do list, but I want you to fall in love with your to do list!

And as you’ll see, it’ll start making a lot more sense as to why taking responsibility for your life is prioritizing yourself. 

Now … Let’s get into it ... 

Own your actions, feelings, and thoughts.

Energy goes where energy flows. So whatever it is that you’re thinking about, planning for, and focusing on, is where your energy is going to go. And when I say energy, I’m referring to your actions, your feelings, your thoughts, and even your words. 

Owning it is taking responsibility, it’s dictating that flow of energy! You create your life! You create and allow these actions, the feelings, the thoughts, and the words to continue to exist in your body and mind. If you don’t want them there, stop them! 

I know … Easier said than done, but hey this is your life, so if you aren’t willing to do a little work in order to make it better, then it doesn't sound like you’re ready to take responsibility and prioritize yourself. This is why I say own it!

I’m here to show you that it is possible to do this, but that comes with some tough love about not only the desire to do so but the will to do so. If you aren’t willing to look at what you're doing, or not doing, by looking at your list (or your lack thereof) then you’re going to stay in that say place.

What is it that you're focusing on each week? What is this you're focusing on each day? What is it that you're allowing to come into your life that is making you feel this way?

You have to prioritize! So, if you take responsibility and own these thoughts then you can prioritize. 

Let’s be real, yes, the negative thoughts are going to come but we’ll get into that a little more in the moment with some of the other points. But, here the main thing that you need to know is that you are in charge of how you respond to the thoughts and then decide if you’re going to allow these negative thoughts or negative actions to keep you from going after what it is you want.

I sure hope your answer is no! By having that “no” response, you’re owning it. 

Bad is going to come in, but are you going to let it stay there? Or are you going to kick it out, switch the thought around, take action, and do what needs to be done? 

Own the actions, feelings, and thoughts. Deal with it and move one. 

Own what you’re doing, feeling, and thinking when it comes to your to do list.

Stop complaining and blaming others for not getting stuff done.

Those feelings of overwhelm and frustration about not getting stuff done, stop complaining about them! You keep blaming others and you can keep complaining, but you’re not actually doing! You’re not actually taking action in order to get things done! 

It goes back to owning it … Hands down. You can’t complain about not getting stuff done, you can’t blame someone else for not getting stuff done, if you aren’t willing to own your part in it.

If you were as frustrated and overwhelmed as you say you were, you would stop saying yes to everyone else and then turn around and saying no to yourself. 

Your life will continue to suck,! You’ll keep complaining and be overwhelmed, you’ll keep being frustrated, and you’ll keep not getting anything done. Whoops … Did I just say your life sucks?!? I mean, if you’re complaining, frustrated, and so overwhelmed by it, clearly you don’t seem to be happy with it or you wouldn’t be complaining about it so much. So yeah, I said it!

What if you stopped?!? 

What if you stopped blaming others … What if you stopped complaining  … 

What if you instead made a plan to get things done! What if you made a to do list.

Stop complaining, start doing!

Taking responsibility is prioritizing yourself  because you’re doing something for you, that will make your life better, that will help to change your life, and that will help you to live the life that you deserve. 

You know that life that you dream about and you tell other people about is your dream life?

How about we make that dream into a reality?

How about we make a to do list and a plan in order to get these things done?

Oh, so you feel that your dream life can't be a reality because your current situation has you so stuck that you can't see a way out of it?!?

There's a way out of it! It starts with you not complaining and not blaming others. 

It starts with you taking responsibility for the fact that you allowed yourself to get here. 

You didn’t have a to do list, you put too much on your to do list, or you didn’t prioritize yourself. 

You gave and gave and gave … Your poured into others so much, that now your cup is empty and you have nothing left for self 

Let’s change that! Let’s pour into yourself first ! 

Live in the present and stop focusing on what could go wrong.

I want you to live in the present. Now, I understand that to get to your goals there is a sense of future focus that you have to have … I’m not negating that. 

But, can you stop looking so far into the future that you can’t even focus on the present? Don’t even start thinking about what could go wrong. Because once you start putting yourself first, start going after your dreams, and start putting things on the to do list, you're going to feel that “I can't do this” mentality. Those “what happens if” thoughts will start. 

Live in the present moment. The present moment is where you are. The present moment is where you no longer want to be because you're frustrated, you're overwhelmed, you're sick and tired of it … Live in that! Because if you decide to live in the present, in the reality of your situation, it will (or at least it should) motivate you to change.

You start thinking so much about what if you change and nothing changes. You start thinking about what could go wrong if you invested in a coach. But let’s be real … What can go wrong if you stay where you are now?!? The changes that come as a result, aren’t likely to be healthy changes.

Take a step … Take a step to get out of this current reality by taking real action, not by looking into the future or by looking so far down on the to do list. 

I want you to take one step … That step will look different for each and every one of us, but that step is a form of taking responsibility by prioritizing self.

Start with looking at the present moment, what is one thing that you don't like about your current situation? Think about it … What is that thing?

Now that you have that thing in your mind, what is something you can do to change it?

Is that taking something off of your calendar? Is it saying no? Is it establishing a boundary? 

Let me tell you what it is … It’s doing all those things! It’s putting restrictions in place … By actually taking action! 

It starts right here … It starts with finding a thing in the present moment that you don't like, that you're willing to change, and that you're ready to change! Find that thing … 

Be intentional about what’s on the list and how you prioritize it.

Remember how we ended the last one … That one thing that you’re ready and willing to change, it’s going on the to do list! And now that it’s on the list, you have to be intentional about it and actually prioritize it.

Make yourself happy and prioritize yourself by being intentional! Be intentional!

This isn’t the time for you to try to do all the things. This is the time to make yourself happy by  seeking that happiness and doing it intentionally! 

You have to be intentional about what it is that you're seeking and setting out to do. The reality is that if you don't constantly seek to make yourself happy or that if you deprive yourself, then guess what, you're going to keep living in that overwhelming, frustrated state that you're in. 

You have to decide what it is that you’re going to do. And then once you decide this, you have to give it priority and decide the order and time frame in which you’re going to do it. This isn’t the time to shy away and put yourself on the back burner and make yourself a lower priority.  

Prioritizing yourself is very much an intentional thing! Because if you don't intentionally seek to put yourself first, it's so easy to allow the world, your job, your business, your family, and other people to put themselves above you. That’s why you need intentionality … You have to be intentional about what you allow into your life, into your circle, and most importantly onto your to do list. 

Believe in yourself.

Oh yeah, now is that time to really put it all together. It’s time for you to be calm, cool, and collected. It’s time to be confident, to own it, and to believe in yourself.

If you’ve gone through the first four steps and taken actions, or at least thought of how you’ll take action after you finish reading this blog post, then you’re ready for this step.

If you've done the work in the first four steps, this is the easiest of all the steps … Just believe in yourself and believe that you can do it! 

So, you’ve taken responsibility, now you're ready to prioritize yourself, and now you're ready to step into that power and own it confidently.

Be confident. Be confident in what you allow in. Be confident in the actions that you take. Be confident in releasing that overwhelming, those fears, and that frustration. 

Be confident in being intentional about what it is that you're seeking to do. Be confident and do the thing!

This confidence looks like believing in yourself. It looks like being calm, cool, and collected in those things that you allow in. I know I keep talking about it … But, you have to understand that it’s looking at your life in a holistic approach, in an overview. 

Think about it this way … Your to do list often is that overview, that brain dump, that list of things that you're trying to do, seeking to do, and that you're working to prioritize.

So, let's start there … Let’s fall in love with that to do list!

Are You Ready to Fall in Love?!?

So if you’re ready to take responsibility for your life and to prioritize yourself, to take control and fall in love with your to do list, I’ve got something for you! 

I'm hosting a free challenge in my Facebook group where you can “Fall in Love with Your To Do List”. We’re starting the week of October 24th. This will have a free challenge for you that is starting next week

It’s a free, five (5) day challenge with some pre-challenge things taking place a couple days before to get the hype up. There will be three (3) Facebook lives, there will be worksheets, and there might even be a workbook. 

It’s all free, in the Facebook group. All you need to do is request to join the Facebook group and answer the questions, the registration page for the challenge will drop this week.

So if you’re ready for that, then go ahead and get registered!

But, if you just want to cut through the challenge and get straight to me, go ahead and book you a call, I’m here for you too.

Let’s fall in love with your to do list … I know I love mine!

~Coach Lee

Your Productivity & Accountability Coach 


Winning at To Do Lists


Grow Through It …