Defy the Limits
Are you going to defy the limits or will you be bound by them?
What limits?
Not exactly the limits of gravity … But, the limits that are keeping you stuck, keeping you down … Yea, those limiting beliefs!
What is a Limiting Belief?
A limiting belief is something that's not true. But, it's something that you believe about yourself and therefore you have made it true in your mind.
A limiting belief is a statement, thought, or phrase that you frequently think or say about yourself which, while it isn’t true, the constant repetition of it has made you believe that it is in fact true.
A limiting belief is something that is limiting you from your true potential. Whether it be from a feeling, from you're calling, or from getting down the things that you want or need to do because for some reason you feel that you aren't worth it, can't do it, or shouldn't do it.
How to Identify Them?
If limiting beliefs are things that you think but they aren’t actually true, where can you find them? It involves thinking and reflecting.
Think of what you want to accomplish in life.
Just take the time to think about it, and if you're also feeling really adventurous write them down.
Look at that list or think of those things that you want to accomplish. Now, think of all the reasons that you think that you shouldn't do it, can't do it, or don't deserve to do it. BAM.
Those thoughts … Those reasons that you've given yourself ... Those are limiting beliefs!
So, identifying limiting beliefs is relatively simple.
It's all the “but”, or the “I can’t”, or the “what if” things that keep you from going after what you want or that stop you along the journey.
How to Overcome Them?
Don’t get it twisted now … While identifying limiting beliefs might be a relatively simple thing to do, overcoming them isn't quite as easy.
Because overcoming limiting beliefs is letting go of the fear. You know FEAR - that false evidence appearing real - that fear of failure.
Overcoming limiting beliefs is largely an operation of the mind.
Your mindset, your thoughts, and your beliefs that you can overcome limiting beliefs will be vital during this time!
You know what I like to say … Change your perspective, change your mindset, and change your life … That MOST DEFINITELY will apply here! If you don’t believe that you can overcome your mind, your thoughts, those “but” or the “what if” … Then, yep, you guessed it … You won’t!
Now, the reason that this is the most difficult part is for several reasons … The most obvious of which is that doing mindset work isn’t a one size fits all approach.
Each of you will have different reasons why you think that you shouldn't, you can’t, and you don’t deserve to do something.
Each of you will have different “but”, “I can’t” or “what if” moments.
While the work needed to overcome these limiting beliefs will be different, that doesn’t mean that it’s not something you can accomplish.
It's something that each and every one of us can do, if you choose to do it and if you truly want to do it.
So … Are you ready to do it?!?
Let’s dive into some specific steps ...
The Action Steps
Dismantling limiting beliefs is about replacing those old limiting beliefs with new empowering beliefs.
This is why I say that replacing and overcoming limiting beliefs is largely an operation of the mind.
But, in order to overcome those limiting beliefs, you have to first tear them down. You have to make them unstable, make them waver, make them vacillate, and make them uncertain that they are actually true …
Since a limiting belief is something that you believe to be true, you have to break down that belief system by challenging it. Then, once you've started the process of dismantling it, you can work to repair it, rebuild it, replace it, and ultimately to change it.
That's essentially what you're doing with your limiting beliefs.
Changing Beliefs
Have you ever seen an unstable table, you know the one where you have to put a piece of cardboard or something under one corner to keep it from rocking?
Let’s use that table to talk about dismantling limiting beliefs.
Your belief system is that reason that you think you can’t do the things that you want to do.
So, let’s look at your belief system as that table.
Each of those reasons that you think that you shouldn't, you can’t, or you don’t deserve it are a leg of the table that is supporting that belief.
So, to dismantle limiting beliefs, we have to start knocking legs off the table, to make it unstable so that it will fall!
Create doubt!
Doubt will start to make the table lean, to where you need that piece of cardboard under the leg. But, the more doubt that you create, the more the table will lean, which means that that cardboard piece isn’t going to work for too much longer, which means that the table will continue to lean more and more!
Perspective … That’s how you create doubt! Changing the way that you look at it, creates doubt in how you look at it and what you believe about it. This perspective shift, this doubt … THIS will lead to dismantling of the beliefs.
Then, when you dismantle the old, unwanted beliefs, and cause that table to fall … You can use the same method to create new beliefs, with supporting evidence, and build up a new table that is sturdy with all the right things.
5 Steps to Change Limiting Beliefs
Step 1: Identify the limiting belief you want to change
Remember that list that I told you to make at the beginning … Of all the reasons that you shouldn’t, can’t, or don’t deserve or go after your dreams and the things that you want in life?
Yea, you need that for this step … And, if you didn’t do it, then now is the time to get it done!
Step 2: Identify an alternative belief that’s more empowering
What’s something that is believable?!? Find an empowering belief.
If you’re stuck on this step … Ask yourself, what is the opposite of the current belief?
For example, if you think that you shouldn’t do something because your family won’t support you … flip it … What if your family supported and encouraged you fully?
Get it?
Step 3: Unstick the emotional superglue
Be honest. Right down everything that’s emotionally, and even practically, keeping you attached to this limiting belief.
Sometimes you’re just too emotionally attached to a limiting belief. So, you have to ask yourself what the emotional payoff is of holding onto the belief?
When you look at the emotional payoff … You have to ask yourself if the benefits outweigh the costs?
If the emotional payoff is worth it, you most likely won't be able to change the belief because you’re too attached.
However, if the emotional payoff isn’t worth it, then celebrate the fact that you want to change, and let’s get to work dismantling the table!
Step 4: Create doubt by changing the perspective
What if the way that you’ve been looking at the “but”, “I can’t”, or “what if” was all wrong? If the start is wrong, then yep, the conclusion will be wrong too!
For each of the things that you listed in step 1, the limits and reasons for the limiting beliefs, it’s time to question it … The point here is to create doubt.
Ask yourself things like: Is there more to the story? Can this be false? Is there another explanation?
This is why looking at it from a different perspective, an alternative view, will be very helpful!
The entire goal here is to create doubt! Create enough doubt that one of the legs starts to wobble and fall!
Step 5: Find evidence to support the new belief
This is the fun part … Well, it can be fun if you make it!
This is the change your mindset and change your life part of the equation.
This is where you look at the end result, the goal, the thing that you want to achieve.
Are you looking at it or thinking about it?!?
I hope so … Because now you’re going to create a list of reasons that support the belief. Reasons why you can, should, deserve, and will achieve your goal and go after the things you want!
It's time to get into that dream lifestyle!
These reasons are going to be the supporting legs for the new table that you’re building!
You Did It!
You made the old table wobble and fall … now it’s time to build up a new one … And using these tips will do just that!
You’ve changed your limiting beliefs and replaced them with more empowering ones.
You know … You changed your perspective, to change your mindset around the limiting beliefs, and now you’re ready to go change your life!
Will they come back?
Yes, you will need to remind yourself of these new beliefs. This would be a great time to turn them into affirmations.
If you’re interested in doing that, check out the blog all about affirmations and how they can be helpful.
Now What?
Each time that you work to level up, to grow, to improve, the limiting beliefs are likely to show up.
Every time that you try something new, those limiting beliefs, those thoughts are going to try to keep you from doing it.
But, now you know what a limiting belief is … And that it isn’t really even true!
Now, it's your turn … take action
Take what you've learned and put it to work!
Need help doing the work … well you know what to do. Let’s do this together!
You’ve got this,
-Coach Lee
P.S. Notice the new name? Expect to see it from here on out …