Control the Controllable … Get you a Routine!


If you really want to take ownership of your day … Whether that be your morning, afternoon, or night … It's about having a routine! 

Having a routine is about controlling the controllable. 

There's a lot that happens in life that's not within our control, but there's a lot more that  happens in life that is within our control! 

Taking the time to create a routine for the various parts of your day, is you taking control. 

NOW, yes there are going to be times that that routine is derailed or has to be altered. But, by having a routine, it puts you into a mindset and into a place to where even if (or let’s be honest … when) something happens that causes me to pivot and adjust, you’re not so completely derailed that you’re not able to get back on track.

Now, Let’s Set Up Some Routines

Start the Day Right:

The way you start your day is likely going to affect the way that your day goes. This is why having a morning routine can help you to set the trajectory for the day! 

If you have a morning routine, there’s often not much that can happen to change that routine if it's what you use to start your day. It helps to put you in the right mindset, which can then help you to be more productive, resulting in you getting more done. 

It’s rare that anyone would typically be waking you up to bother you at this time. Now, yes, I do get it … Emergencies happen. The only real reason that a morning routine won’t work is if you don’t work the routine. If you don’t actually get up when you’re supposed to, or press snooze repeatedly, then that is going to limit the amount of time that you have in place to conduct the morning routine, if you have the appropriate time to do so at all. A morning routine helps you to know that no matter what happens later in the day, you have started the day by doing what you needed to do for you!

End the Day Better:

Let’s look at the same concept, but with a nighttime routine. Now, I get it … Evenings can often be a lot more hectic than mornings because you’re getting off from work, coming home to still have to eat dinner, then do various other activities before you’re able to wind down for the night. But, having this bedtime routine that you do to wind yourself down it's all about putting your mind at ease. It’s putting those systems into place so that your body kind of knows “OK, let it go … Release, destress, decompress, detox” or whatever you want to call it. It’s starting the process of ending your day.

It’s good to not only start your day right with the morning routine but to also end your day right. Having that routine to end the day puts you in a great place so that you are able to start your day off right by going right back into that morning routine.

Shake it up in the Middle:

I know I skipped those midday or afternoon routines because most of you are working full time in some capacity. But, just because you’re working … Whether that be full time for yourself, full time for someone else, in school, or volunteering … Your “day” is the main part of the day where a lot of those things can happen that can kind of shake you up.

The middle parts of the day are often most out of our control. This is the time that we are most at the beck and call of others. This is where a lot of the pivots and adjustments come into place. This is why it is also the perfect time of the day to have some sort of routine where you can check in with yourself. 

Check in with yourself and assess where you are in the day? Have you done the things that you wanted to do? How are you feeling emotionally? Once you assess yourself, you also need to take the time to decide how you will make adjustments that will work for the rest of the day. 

A quick midday routine that you can create and that can be beneficial for you, is taking a quick walk. That’s typically how I access myself midday. Taking a walk for me, serves multiple purposes. Now, I’ll be honest, it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve taken my mid-day walk … Mostly because it’s raining almost every day! But, I’ve noticed a difference in my productivity, so I’m committing to getting intentional about getting back to it. 

A quick walk gets you outside, and it's a great way to decompress and destress, while also allowing you to regroup and kind of shake off what's happened in the day so far. It also helps to wake you up because sometimes after eating we get sleepy and get that sluggish feeling, which in turn starts to slow us down in our work processes. Yes, we hit the ground running from our morning routine, get off on a great start knocking items off the to do list, but then we hit that midday slump and then have to find a way to pick ourselves back up to be able to keep going and pushing through on productivity. That’s precisely where that midday routine comes in, to serve as that pick me up. And, if the morning wasn’t that good, you are able to shake off what might have happened in the morning as well as prepare you for what's going to happen next.

Don’t Have One … Get One!

So do you have a routine? While we talked about routines for different parts of the day, and the benefits of each of them, I’m not saying that you have to have a routine for each and every part of your day. If you do, that's great because the more structure that you can create in your day, the easier it is to adjust and pivot when life happens. 

If you don't have a routine, it's time to create one. You can use what I’ve talked about here to work on creating a routine. 

  • For morning routines, you want to think about how you want to start your day. You don’t want to start the day rushing … So stop hitting snooze, get up! If you follow me, you know I’m all about that early morning workout life (don’t knock it til you try it), but if that’s not for you then just make sure you get it in later in the day! 

  • Those midday routines are the pick me up for the day. So this is about doing what you need to do so that you can get back focused and aligned. I told you about my need to take a walk, but hey, you find what works for you!
    Evening routines aren’t just about how you want to end the night, but also serves as the set up for the following day. This could include things like picking out your clothes for work and your workout, getting in a workout if you haven’t already, as well as getting your food ready for the next day.

So, let me know below what's the first routine that you’re going to create: morning, midday, or evening … I want to know!

And if you're looking for help in creating your routine or your schedule, you know by now that I'm all about planning and productivity so I can definitely help you to create what's going to work for you in your life. If that’s the case, you know where to find me.

But, Do I REALLY Need One?!?

I know, you’re still over there really doubting if you need to have a routine. Answer me this … Do you start the day feeling rushed? Do you end the day by just passing out sleep in the middle of doing things? 

If you answered yes to either of these … Then, YES you really need one! 

But, if you answered no, then the reality is, you probably do have a routine. It means that you aren’t snoozing in the morning but you are getting up and getting started on your day. Or that you're properly preparing and winding down for the evening.

I think the answer to your question is clear - YES, you do need a routine. 

So, let me know below - Do you have a routine? And if not, what routine are you looking to create first? 

Oh … And if you’re ready to take some action, to make changes in your life - from getting a routine and system in place that will guide your day, to tackling your goals, to doing the work you need to get out of your own way to live your best life - you know where to find me. I’m here, showing up and waiting for you, to decide you’re ready to book the call and see what is on the other side of where you are now.

 Now let’s do this!

-Coach Lee

Your Productivity & Accountability Coach 


Finding v. Making Time … Your Choice


We Gonna Start this Month off Right!