But … Because
You can do anything …
You can do anything that you believe in.
You can do anything that you put your mind to.
You can do anything … As long as you don’t allow your but’s to get in your way.
Because, it’s on you to go after what you want.
Because, it’s on you to get you to where you want to be.
Let’s look at these but, because moments as a way of saying no more to letting your but get in the way.
But … Because …
What is a but, because moment? Let’s break it down … But is the word that's going to cancel everything that comes before it. While because is the word that is going to be your reason behind it.
So, when you look at your “but, because” moments in life, you have to make sure that you're not allowing your “but” to cancel everything that you say before. It’s making sure that you're not using your “but” as an excuse, as the reason that you're giving. Instead, use your “because” as your why and the motivation that helps to propel you forward.
So, let’s look at these but, because moments, and rephrase them and use them as a way to make yourself better.
Think about when you say but. No, literally, think about a time recently that you have said but. The vast majority of the time that you’re saying but, you're negating and canceling the beginning of the sentence.
Now … I know you by now, which means I know that you probably didn’t actually take the time to think of a sentence for when you say but, so let me give you an example. And, I’m going to keep it simple because I don’t need you over there making excuses and saying something crazy. Any who … Back to the example: I’m going to go get groceries, but I don't have any money.
So, you were going to do something, but now you're canceling it out. See how even when I’m breaking down and explaining the example, it also cancels everything out.
Now let's use that same thing for your because. Can you think of a time when you say because. When you use because, it generally becomes your why, it becomes your reason for doing something.
Let’s use that same example of the groceries, because I don't have time to tell you to think of another example that you probably aren’t going to do. Now, for the example: I'm going to go get groceries because I need to cook.
So, the because now becomes the why. That one word switch in the sentence is going to be a key difference in your ability to do.
The “But” ...
When it comes to your ability to get things done, to be productive, as well as the mindset shifts needed, don't allow your “but’s” to become your reasons. What I’m saying is don’t let these reasons for not acting, which are really nothing more than excuses for not doing things, keep you stuck.
You’re hurting yourself by saying but. You’re canceling out doing it. Your mind hears everything you say, so every time that you say but, your mind is ready to stop acting. Do this instead: Every time you catch yourself saying, or having said but, tell yourself why instead of having this excuse you now have a reason why. Give yourself a reason why instead of stopping and not doing, you're now taking action and you’re doing.
We're shifting those “but moments” into “because moments”.
In those times when you catch yourself saying but, how are you feeling about yourself? Are you feeling positive? Are you feeling motivated? Are you feeling encouraged?
If you’re honest with yourself, and actually willing to stop and think about the question being asked, most of the time the answer is going to be no. Because when you're giving yourself a “but”, you're shrinking back and you're pulling back instead of moving forward and showing up fully.
A but is a minimizer. Now, sometimes the word you use isn’t actually “but” but it is another word that has the very same effect. You might say “just”, or “sometimes”, or other minimizing words that also negate, shut down, and bring you down.
Stop minimizing your life, up level your life! Raise up, do more, be more, think highly of yourself.
Shift those “but” moments and instead of letting them stop you from doing, allow those moments to become your “because” moments.
… And The “Because”
When shifting to the “because” you're now looking at the why … It’s the reason you're going to prepare, the reason you're going to keep moving, the reason that you're going to do the thing. So, I want you to start working on changing your but into a because.
Every time you think about saying “but” in a sentence, reframe that same sentence and make it into a “because” and give yourself a reason.
Now, just like we did with “but”, I want you to think of those same moments when you say “because”. How do you feel when you use “because” in a sentence? Are you showing up fully? Are you feeling confident? Are you feeling encouraged? Are you feeling motivated?
I want you to have more in life and to do more in life because you deserve it, because you need it, and because the world needs you. Heck … even more than the world, because you need you, everyone is waiting for you to be willing to step into your greatness!
You have to want better for yourself, you have to be willing to go after that for yourself! Just because someone else wants it for you, if you don't want it for yourself that means nothing.
In order to create those “because” moments, we’re talking about having a big enough reason why. You have to create a why that will keep you pressing forward and moving forward. Shift those “but” into “because” moments!
Now, I've said that you're “because” generally is your why. However, sometimes you're “because” can also be an excuse, an excuse of why it's going to make you do things.
When you allow your because, your why, to become an excuse, you’re letting limiting beliefs in. When you allow these limiting beliefs to make you feel that you can't do things because of this you’re still making it your why.
However, this isn't serving you! It's a why, it’s a reason, that you have to reframe, just like you’re reframing those “but” moments as well as those “because” moments that are really nothing more than limiting beliefs. Reframe what is no longer serving you and won't serve you because you want more for yourself and because you're willing to do the work to create the reframes and the mindset shifts that you need.
Now, Let’s Go Forward
Don't let your “but, because” keep you from greatness! Here’s an example: It's not ... “I'm great but I don't think I can do it” it’s “I'm great because I know I can do it”.
Shift your mindset. You should know what I like to say all the time … If you change your perspective, if you change your mindset, then you can change your life! If you're willing to reframe these “but, because” moments and instead of shrinking back you push yourself forward you can change your perspective, you can change your mindset, and you can change your life.
You can change your perspective by changing the way you look at these “but, because” moments.
You can change your mindset by changing the way you think about these “but, because” moments.
And as a result, you can change your life because these “but, because” moments will no longer pull you back but will push you forward.
So, allow your “but, because” to become the shift you need to create in life to go forward, to do more, to be better, to do better, and to want better for yourself and for those around you!
Why is it that you’re so quick to encourage someone else to not be negative, to not be so hard on themselves, but don't you give yourself the same encouragement?
Why do you allow yourself to have these “but moments” while you tell others to have these “because moments”?!?
The time is now for you to have your “because” moments!
If you're ready to create those shifts for yourself, if you're ready to stop having “but moments” and instead have “because moments”, then I'm here! Just book a call and let’s talk about it!
Feel free to comment below and let me know what it is that you think about these “but, because” moments. Where have they served you? Where have they hindered you?
If you look back over your life, you can see that at times you allowed your “but” to shut you down and you can see those times that you allowed your “because” to push you forward.
Take the time to sit back, think about it, reflect on it, and then create the shifts to go forward! I don’t want to hear any “but”, I only want to hear about you having a “because”!
~Coach Lee
Your Productivity & Accountability Coach